
The Committee

How can parents help a charity-run pre-school?
The pre-school is a registered charity and cannot operate without the input and support of parents to ensure we are fulfilling expectations whilst meeting our legal and educational obligations. To do this, we need parents to take an active role in the pre-school, to voice their opinions and drive forward improvements. For the pre-school to operate, at least 60% of the committee needs to be made up from parents of children currently attending the pre-school.

What does the Committee do?
The committee has a broad remit and works with the pre-school staff members to provide the children with a safe and secure setting that fosters their learning and development potential. The staff, led by the pre-school manager take care of day to-day childcare and learning journeys to ensure all children meet the EYFS criteria. The committee look after the management of the pre-school to ensure the setting operates legally. We are responsible for key tasks, such as budget control, staffing, fundraising, legislation, marketing and publicity, setting policies, health and safety, maintenance, purchasing, and general administration of the pre-school.

How does it work?
Usually, a parent will join the committee for a minimum of a year, though many choose to stay on longer.
The committee requires at least 5 members to operate so your involvement is essential. You can join at any time, please speak to our Chair or any member of staff if you are interested in joining.

Key Committe Roles which are appointed at our Annual General Meeting in September each year
The Chairperson is the key contact for the committee, staff, parents and external bodies. They support the pre-school Manager and co-ordinate the committee to ensure the effective operation of the setting.

The Treasurer liaises with the finance officer to  keep financial records, control the bank account, prepare reports, controls budgets and take care of financial planning.

The Secretary supports the Chairperson, organises meetings and agendas, takes minutes, handles all correspondence and administration.

Other Roles
The committee also need people who can assist with marketing, health and safety, safeguarding, HR, IT, fundraising, policy setting, social media and website, etc.
We also always need help with organising events, running stalls, baking cakes to sell at them etc. We really value and  appreciate your help with this even if you don’t want to formally join the Committee.

How Much Commitment is Needed?
Our constitution states we need a minimum of 5 people on the committee to operate. We can have a maximum of 12 people and the more of us there are, the less work there is to do. Whilst the key roles are more involved, less commitment is needed from general members and it is a great way to share your skills or learn new ones. You can determine how much input you have. All we ask is that you try to attend our termly meetings and help us with our administration and fundraising efforts.

What Skills do You Need?
All sorts of skills are needed to run a pre-school effectively. It is a great opportunity for you to learn new skills, to share your experience and expertise, and to get to know other people dedicated to making a difference.

Why Volunteer?
Meet new people, learn new skills, share your expertise and experience, time and ideas. Have a say in how your child’s pre-school is run. Research shows there are clear benefits for children when their parents become involved in their learning and development. It is also a great opportunity for self development and has long-term benefits, such as enhancing your CV.

Who to Contact
Please speak to pre-school staff or contact our Chair for more information



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